Walk for Life 2024


The Fingerprints of God

Participate as a Sponsored Walker in the Walk for Life and join us to make an impact today! You can walk, run, or skip for this family-friendly 3-mile event. The event will take place rain-or-shine and you can walk on your own if you can’t join us in person.The WALK FOR LIFE is a  family fun, celebration of Life! 

Registration: 8:00 AM $10 Rockland Lake parking fee after 8:00 AM

Walk For Life is held every year. 

This year on Saturday, May 18th, Care Net Pregnancy Center will host the 37th Annual Walk for Life! The Walk for Life is a simple way for people of all ages to get involved by actively demonstrating support for the value of human life – and a desire to make a difference in the lives of women, men, students, and babies in our community. By raising funds and walking yourself or sponsoring another walker for the Walk for Life, you are directly helping the ministry of Care Net advance its mission to cultivate a community that values life through the love of Christ. Participating walkers can choose to join us at Rockland Lake State Park in person or if you prefer, to walk in your neighborhood. Registration will open in April 2024. Any questions can be answered by Sandra Leon director@carenetrockland.com , Pauline Tyree ptyree@carenetrockland.com, or call 845-352-6108. Our life-affirming ministry is so grateful for your support!


Click Here to register to be a

SOCIAL MEDIA Sponsored Walker


or call Care Net @ 845-352-6108 to

REGISTER  and Walk 

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