

Partner with Us

Believing every life matters, Care Net PCR makes life choices possible every day by providing compassionate support, promoting healthier relationships and building stronger families. We do so as an extension of the local Church, in partnership with people like you who bring love to life through their prayers, their resources and their time.

Your donation will provide free ultrasounds plus many other life-enhancing services and ongoing support to women, men and teens facing, or at risk for, unplanned pregnancies and related concerns. Thank you!

All donations to Care Net Pregnancy Center of Rockland are tax-deductible, as provided by law; tax ID # 13-3351759.

To set up a recurring monthly or other gift, click the box below and select "frequency".

For donations in honor of someone special or in memory of a loved one, please indicate it on the form also. We will gladly send an acknowledgement card to the person of your choosing. Please email or call 845-352-6108 to provide the name and address for the card. Thank you!GIVE ONLINE


Looking for other creative ways to partner with us?

  • Consider hosting a baby shower or diaper drive for Care Net, with all the gifts and contributions stocking our PEP Baby Boutique–which equips parents who are alone or under-resourced.
  • Instead of receiving personal gifts on your next birthday or special occasion, ask friends and family to donate life support to Care Net PCR. Facebook and other online platforms make that easy to do!
  • Partner with our YoungLives Spring Valley program to encourage pregnant and parenting teen moms.
  • Organize a service project or ministry tour of Care Net for your church or group. Contact Care Net to schedule this.
  • There are many other opportunities to partner with Care Net PCR to bring LOVE to LIFE. To share YOUR ideas or brainstorm with us, fill out the "Contact Us" form or email