There is a lot of pain and hurt connected to pregnancy loss and termination – but few safe places to deal with the emotions connected to these experiences. Fear of judgment or shame leads many wounded women, men and teens to suffer in silence. Care Net PCR is committed to binding up the brokenhearted, comforting those who mourn, and restoring a spirit of gladness and praise to those who despair.
Individual Post Abortion Support
Choosing a pregnancy termination may have left you suffering from consequences for which you were unprepared. The compassionate peer counselors at Care Net PRC provide a safe place to talk about your abortion experience and to begin your healing journey.
If you have already had an abortion and are experiencing unforeseen grief or other emotional complications, we are here to help you.
Forgiven & Set Free Support
The type of post-abortion support offered varies based on where a person is on his or her spiritual journey and his or her road toward healing. Care Net PCR offers Scripture-based individual sessions for those whose abortion was in the past, and who now value God's perspective on their experience. Forgiven & Set Free is offered several times a year for women, and Healing a Father's Heart is offered for men, as needed.
Life After Abortion
Abortion, without a doubt, can be one of the most traumatic experiences in a person's life. The loss of pregnancy through abortion may be far in your past, but the memories remain. You, the father, or other family members may feel like emotions are crashing down on you. In many cases, the pain of loss may initially be buried, and may surface in relationship difficulties, depression or physical, psychological or spiritual problems.
Care Net PCR is here to reach out to men, women, siblings, grandparents or anyone else that might be hurting psychologically, physically or spiritually due to an abortion. We acknowledge that this pain may not be recognized by other family members, friends or by society.
But, we KNOW your emotions exist, and we're here to help.
Men and Abortion
The guilt and burden of a man who's pressured a woman into abortion, is unbearable at times. They feel guilty for their sexual irresponsibility and feel unforgivable for pushing the woman to take the life of their child. Even if abortion was in a previous relationship, it can be divisive to later marriages.
Other men, siblings, grandparents, friends, etc.; are left to handle the "aftermath" of an abortion when they would have rather the mother chosen "life." Maybe they tried to talk the mother out of the abortion, or found out afterward that she had made the choice without their knowledge. These people are touched by the abortion experience as well. They deserve to grieve the loss of that child, as much as the woman who laid on the table.