Sanctity of Human Life


 Sanctity of Human Life Sunday

On Sunday, January 19, 2025, we will observe Sanctity of Human Life Sunday—a day to reflect on the value of every human life. As part of this meaningful observance, we will be launching our

Baby Bottle Boomerang to support local pro-life efforts.

What is a Baby Bottle Campaign? It is an amazing opportunity to help raise money for Care Net Pregnancy Center to be able to continue to serve women and families in crisis. Your loose change can change a life.

At home: put the Baby Bottles in a popular place like a kitchen table or counter, as a reminder to pray for the safety and salvation of mothers and their unborn children. Then, as you are led by God, put your change, cash, and/or check in the Baby Bottles as an offering to benefit Care Net services to clients.

At Church: please bring your Baby Bottles in by March 2rd

…or you are welcome to come visit us by appointment to receive or bring in your Baby Bottle:

Care Net Pregnancy Center of Rockland

2 Perlman Dr., Suite LL9, Spring Valley - Call us at (845) 352-6108   


Life is Beautiful!

Giving all life a chance

to live.

"The Lord called me from the womb, 
from the body of my mother he named my name." Isaiah 49:1b





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