Sanctity of Life Sunday
January is observed by many as Sanctity of Life Month because of the January 22nd anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion throughout the United States. Lighthouse uses this month to highlight and help meet the needs of women and men facing unexpected pregnancies, and those struggling to parent newborns.
Half of all pregnancies in New York are considered unplanned; approximately half of these will end in abortion. Among the reasons cited by women for choosing abortion are a lack of support and limited resources. Care Net PCR makes life choices possible by coming alongside women and men with practical help and hope. We also extend healing to those who are hurting from past abortion choices.
Our practical help includes free diapers and wipes for new moms and dads participating in PEP (our Parent Empowerment Program). Because the average newborn uses 2,788 diapers during its first year of life, this is an urgent need for many of our parents! Diapers change the little ones AND they help change parents' lives as they come for our ongoing, loving, life-giving support. In addition to receiving diapers, parents earn points to select essential items such as baby clothing, bathtubs, and strollers from our PEP Baby Boutique.
Every January, local churches and Empowering Women Thru Motion help stock our PEP Baby Boutique with diapers and wipes! Thank you to all who participate! Perhaps your school or church group will join us next January – or any time that is convenient for you! Speakers are also available for your school.
Please fill out the contact form to request more information or free promotional materials. Other items needed by our families are listed here. Thank you!
Contact us: Sanctity of Human Life