Annual Banquet 2024

Coming together for a fun filled even

ing with dinner, and a FABULOUS Guest speaker!
Fun time while raising money to keep Care Net Pregnancy Center's efforts of saving babies moving forward. 

Who We Are

Rockland Pregnancy Counseling Center dba Care Net Pregnancy Center of Rockland is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, and exists to: 
* Promote and protect the Sanctity of Human Life, from a biblical viewpoint especially life in the womb.
* Be a productive voice and influence for life in our community with the ultimate goal of seeing abortion come to an end. 
* Introduce our clients to Jesus Christ and the proper avenues of discipleship. 
The free, confidential services we provide include:
* Pregnancy Testing * Abortion Recovery * Options Counseling * Sexual Integrity Education * Parenting Empowerment Program.

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